For the Unity of Thought and Action of European and World Federalists*

Fernando Iglesias
Co-President of the World Federalist Movement, Director of the
Spinelli Chair in Buenos Aires, Member of the Argentinian Parliament

In 1947, the World Federalist Movement and the Union of European Federalists were born together at Montreux. For the UEF, the construction of a United Europe was the priority in order to avoid a new war. For the WFM, the unity of the entire world was the immediate objective. The resulting division was rational and fruitful. The UEF was a crucial actor in the building of a united Europe, particularly, in the development and empowerment of its more democratic institution: the European Parliament. The WFM was important too in the development of the United Nations and crucial in the creation of the International Criminal Court.

But now, that division is obsolete. We are facing a dangerous world in which none of the issues Europe faces is European, none of the aspirations of the European citizens could be achieved without international unity, nor a world federation could be possibly achieved if the European Union fails.

Artificial intelligence, climate change, international terrorism, aggression and war, ethnic conflicts, financial crisis, poverty and social inequality, transnational migrations, nuclear proliferation, global pandemics, the paradoxical raising of a global national-populism. None of these existential threats to humanity is national or regional, neither could be solved without the cooperation of international forces and organizations, particularly, without the coordination and integration between European and World federalists.

A more democratic United Nations, starting by the creation of a UNPA (UN Parliamentary Assembly). The creation of new international institutions, such as the International Anti-corruption Court. The building of new regional institutions, such as the MAPO (Mercosur Antimafia Prosecutors Office) and the COPLA (Latin American Court Against Transnational Organized Crime). Together with much closer goals such as the signature of the agreement between the European Union and the Mercosur, and the reform of the European Union treaties. These are our common goals, which are not competitive but complementary. These are also new opportunities for working together.

In the medium term, the subsistence of regional federalism is impossible without the progressive application of federalism and democracy to the global level. On the other side, the building of a world federation is a joke without the contribution of regional federalisms. I am happy to be here to make this call for unity and cooperation, particularly, among many old friends and fellows such as Daphne (Gogou), Brando (Benifei), Luisa (Trumellini), Sandro (Gozi) and Josep (Borrel), and when an old friend and convinced world federalist such as Domenec (Ruiz Devesa) is chairing the UEF.

Risks are enormous, challenges are high, opportunities too. Let’s work together. As in 1941, we are those who first and foremost fight for international unity. As in 1941, the road to follow is neither easy nor safe, but it must be pursued, and it will be. 


* Speech by Fernando Iglesias, Vice President of WFM, at the 28th Congress of UEF in Brussels, on 25 November 2023

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